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Bulletins Help Worship Happen

Bulletins Help Worship Happen

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Worship (Verb, action): To esteem God as the highest and greatest reality. To give glory, honor, and praise to the Most High.

When we stand in the presence of God and worship Him, our hearts awaken to His sovereignty. We trust more deeply. Submit more readily. Change more authentically.

Worship is powerful, but sometimes we need a catalyst to help us get into the right frame of heart and mind for worship, something to help us turn our thoughts toward God. 

Worship Bulletins help us do just that. They beckon us to seek the Lord. They invite us to meditate on His Word. They remind us of the price God paid for us through Jesus. 

The images of God’s beautiful creation reflect His reality. Pictures of loved ones together offer comfort or encouragement to mend broken relationships. They provide perspective.

Recently I invited a guest to come to church with me. She had not attended in quite a while and had been living in a way that would not bring honor to God, so she was noticeably nervous. 

Upon entering the sanctuary, we were handed our bulletins. After we sat down and looked at our bulletins for a couple of minutes, I realized she was growing tearful. 

“Are you okay?” I asked. “Do you want to leave? How can I help?”

Laughing and crying at the same time, she replied, “I asked God to give me a sign that He still cared. This Scripture on the front of this program is the very first Scripture I ever memorized.” 

The verse? “We love him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

In that moment, she knew God loved her regardless of her response toward Him. His love had never moved, never changed.

The remainder of our service together was joyous. We held hands, clapped together, turned our faces toward the heavens. 

All this because a worship bulletin reminded us of who we are in Christ.

This Sunday, be encouraged. When you hand a worship bulletin to someone, ask the Holy Spirit to bless that person and to lead us into an attitude of worship.

How do worship bulletins help lead your church into worshiping our holy, perfect God? Let us know in the comments section below!

Tammy Tilley

Tammy Tilley has compiled and edited numerous books, has written for dozens of print and digital publications, and even co-founded a lifestyle magazine for the town where she once lived. Currently she lives in Anderson, Indiana where she is an adjunct writing instructor at Anderson University and an editor and writer for Warner Press.