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Nourish the Soul, a new collection from Warner Press, provides practical methods that allow women to focus and strengthen their relationship with God.

A time to refresh.

A time to rest in God’s presence.

A time to nourish the soul.



...inspire personal growth

...encourage transformational discipleship

...cultivate healthy friendships within community

...develop mentorship relationships

...deepen our spiritual practices & experiences

...transform ourselves to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind & strength

...nourish awareness of God’s presence in our lives

Available Now


Thinking about adding journaling to your walk with God but not sure where to start? Author Deborah Haddix has created a handbook that provides real solutions and ideas for those new to or experienced in journaling. 

From verse mapping to “praying in color,” there are plenty of methods and prompts to get you started journaling and bring you closer to the Lord. 

Journaling for the Souleliminates the hurry, brings quiet for hearing, and creates much needed space for creating a living and active relationship with God. 

ISBN: 9781684341009 $12.99


Prayer. You probably do it all the time. Sometimes without even thinking—but, with prayer being our greatest tool, how can we be more intentional in our prayers? 

For those who often pray vague prayers, this book has many suggestions and resources to encourage and inspire victorious prayer. 

Deborah Haddix provides methods to inspire creative prayer—the greatest gift you can give your loved ones. 

ISBN: 9781684340880 $14.99


Do you want a closer relationship with God, but aren’t sure where to start? Do you feel like you know God but you want to really KNOW God? 

This book works like a detailed instruction manual to help you experience Him more fully. 

Nothing is more important than caring for your soul and author Deborah Haddix provides a handbook for today’s busy woman including real life prayers, study methods and tips to cultivate your relationship with God and those around you. 

ISBN: 9781684340873 $14.99

The 30-Day Prayer Challenge is an opportunity to:
COMMIT to 30 consecutive days of prayer.
ENGAGE in purposeful, intentional, and specific prayers.
TAKE STEPS in moving your prayer life from vague to victorious.

The Word of God makes it clear that our soul is important. Our soul was created by God Himself. A soul that is lovingly and intentionally nourished will thrive. An uncared-for soul, one that receives little or no nourishment, will shrivel. The soul is the essential personhood created by God AS YOU. It is the essence of humanity’s being. It is who we are. 

—from Nourishing the Soul by Deborah Haddix